Results for 'J. Cavalheiro Lima'

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  1. Música e romantismo.J. Cavalheiro Lima - 1972 - Pôrto Alegre: Livraria Sulina Editôra.
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    Palavras de agradecimento.S. J. Vaz & Henrique Cl de Lima - 2002 - Kriterion: Journal of Philosophy (105):15-18.
  3.  22
    A dança na filosofia: uma análise a partir do pensamento de Nietzsche e da obra O lobo da estepe de Hermann Hesse.Márcio J. S. Lima - 2022 - Griot : Revista de Filosofia 22 (2):242-252.
    This article seeks to analyze how the phenomenon of dance presents itself in philosophy, especially from the reflections of the German philosopher F. Nietzsche. To enhance our hypotheses, we will resort to the literary work The Steppenwolf by the German writer Hermann Hesse. We know that dance as a metaphor for thought is presented both throughout Nietzsche's work and in the aforementioned book by Hermann Hesse. Therefore, our analysis seeks to demonstrate how dance involves a situation of surrender and acceptance (...)
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  4. O ideal republicano de Benjamin Constant.J. Modésto Lima, [From Old Catalog], Raymundo Teixeira Mendes & Miguel Lemos (eds.) - 1936 - Rio de Janeiro,: Tip. do Jornal do commercio, Rodrigues & c..
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  5. Efeitos do arranjo de treino consistente na formação de seqüências.M. P. Lima, G. J. A. Assis, M. Q. G. Baptista & M. E. C. Sampaio - 1999 - Humanitas 15 (2):127-142.
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  6. Saints populaires, calendrier et identité dans le nord du Portugal: Le rôle du symbolisme religieux.J. da Silva Lima - 1997 - Cahiers Internationaux de Symbolisme 86:71-87.
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  7. “Sobre a Essência da Crítica Filosófica em geral”, de G.W.F Hegel e F.W.J. Schelling: introdução e tradução.Erick Calheiros de Lima - 2015 - Revista de Filosofia Moderna E Contemporânea 2 (2):112-130.
    Pretendo apresentar uma versão para o português da Introdução ao Jornal Crítico de Filosofia, texto de autoria de Hegel e Schelling. A versão traduzida é antecedida por uma introdução geral na qual procuro esclarecer, em linhas gerais, o contexto intelectual e biográfico no qual o texto surgiu, o significado geral da noção de Unphilosophie, a cuja crítica se dirige o esforço do Jornal ; e, finalmente, o argumento perseguido pelo texto.
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    Effects of Nicotine Gum Administration on Vision (ENIGMA-Vis): Study Protocol of a Double-Blind, Randomized, and Controlled Clinical Trial.Thiago P. Fernandes, Jeffery K. Hovis, Natalia Almeida, Jandirlly J. S. Souto, Thiago Augusto Bonifacio, Stephanye Rodrigues, Gabriella Medeiros Silva, Michael Oliveira Andrade, Jessica Bruna Silva, Giulliana H. Gomes, Milena Edite Oliveira, Eveline Holanda Lima, Maria Eduarda Gomes, Marcos V. A. Junior, Mariana Lopes Martins & Natanael A. Santos - 2020 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14.
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    Neuropsychological Assessment of Older Adults With Virtual Reality: Association of Age, Schooling, and General Cognitive Status.Camila R. Oliveira, Brandel J. P. Lopes Filho, Cristiane S. Esteves, Tainá Rossi, Daniela S. Nunes, Margarida M. B. M. P. Lima, Tatiana Q. Irigaray & Irani I. L. Argimon - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9:355603.
    The development of neuropsychological assessment methods using virtual reality (VR) is a valid and promising option for the detection of cognitive impairment in the older people, focusing on activities composed of tasks of multiple demands. This study verified the association of age, schooling, and general cognitive status on the performance of neurologically healthy older adults in ECO-VR, a virtual reality task of multiple demands for neuropsychological assessment. A total of 111 older adults answered a sociodemographic questionnaire, the Mini Mental State (...)
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    Robert J. Dostal. "Gadamer’s Hermeneutics: Between Phenomenology and Dialectics.".Rafael Lima Barros - 2022 - Philosophy in Review 42 (2):10-15.
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    Walking Speed Reliably Measures Clinically Significant Changes in Gait by Directional Deep Brain Stimulation.Christopher P. Hurt, Daniel J. Kuhman, Barton L. Guthrie, Carla R. Lima, Melissa Wade & Harrison C. Walker - 2021 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14.
    Introduction: Although deep brain stimulation often improves levodopa-responsive gait symptoms, robust therapies for gait dysfunction from Parkinson's disease remain a major unmet need. Walking speed could represent a simple, integrated tool to assess DBS efficacy but is often not examined systematically or quantitatively during DBS programming. Here we investigate the reliability and functional significance of changes in gait by directional DBS in the subthalamic nucleus.Methods: Nineteen patients underwent unilateral subthalamic nucleus DBS surgery with an eight-contact directional lead in the most (...)
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    BRUSEKE, F. J. A TÉCNICA E OS RISCOS DA MODERNIDADE. Florianópolis, UFSC, 2001.Ana Paula Araújo Lima - 2012 - Cadernos Do Pet Filosofia 3 (6):95-100.
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    Robert J. Dostal. "Gadamer’s Hermeneutics: Between Phenomenology and Dialectics.".Rafael Lima Barros de Oliveira - 2022 - Philosophy in Review 42 (2):10-15.
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    Prendre les autres au sérieux : sur le débat cosmopolitisme-particularisme.María Herrera Lima - 2007 - Philosophiques 34 (1):17-40.
    Dans cet essai, je tente de répondre à quelques-unes des objections habituellement adressées au cosmopolitisme, en prenant en considération la perspective de ceux que cette doctrine risque d’affecter, à savoir, les immigrants. J’argue que certaines de ces objections se fondent sur des conceptions simplifiées à l’excès et empiriquement inexactes de ce que sont la communauté et l’identité culturelle. J’examine aussi en détail la controverse entourant les possibles implications autoritaristes — ou impérialistes — des propositions visant à faire d’un système moral-légal (...)
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    Proceedings from the IV Brazilian Meeting on Research Integrity, Science and Publication Ethics (IV BRISPE): Goi'nia, Brasil. 17-18 November 2016. [REVIEW]A. S. C. Abreu, H. S. Selistre-de-Araujo, D. Guilhem, M. R. C. G. Novaes, N. R. A. Silva, M. Palácios, P. G. Camacho, M. Russo, A. Abreu, S. Cruz-Riascos, L. V. R. Rezende, A. C. Quintela, J. Leta, E. Damasio, H. H. Caiaffa Filho, R. M. Catarino, A. A. B. Almodóvar, A. P. Vicentini, B. C. Machado, M. M. Sorenson, J. R. Lapa E. Silva, A. Palma, R. M. V. R. Almeida, E. H. Watanabe, D. Foguel, S. M. R. Vasconcelos, C. A. Guimarães, A. Schtscherbyna, J. C. Amaral, H. G. Falcão, F. R. Mota, S. C. Bourguignon, R. Kant de Lima, S. Liskauskas, M. C. Cassimiro, J. Araújo, A. S. Carvalho, M. Patrão Neves, F. M. Litto, M. D. P. Silva, L. S. Gracioso, A. C. Furnival, P. M. Lourenço, V. Ronchi, M. M. M. Machado, R. Amaral, M. D. Ribeiro, R. Neves, V. C. Garbocci, M. Fontes-Domingues, P. Biancovilli, R. T. Souza, P. V. S. Souza, D. C. Machado, C. C. Santos, A. M. Gollner, H. S. Pinheiro, G. A. Fófano, A. A. P. Santa Rosa, C. H. Debenedito Silva, A. M. M. Soares, M. M. P. Diós-Borges, E. Duarte & Gar - 2017 - Research Integrity and Peer Review 2 (Suppl 1).
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  16. Da Sem'ntica à Pragmática: Kant, Hegel e o Debate em torno da Normatividade.Erick Calheiros Lima - 2024 - Educação E Filosofia 38:1-52.
    O presente artigo pretende discutir a transformação, proposta por Hegel, da noção kantiana de liberdade como autonomia no paradigma do reconhecimento recíproco. Na primeira seção, vou retomar alguns pontos da Fundamentação que vêm sendo interpretados como conduzindo a paradoxos na concepção de autonomia (1). Em seguida, pretendo recordar esquematicamente a interpretação proposta por Loparic acerca do ‘fato da razão’, procurando especificar aí uma solução semântica para o problema da normatividade embasada na autonomia (2). Na terceira seção, a intenção é fazer (...)
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    Cirne-Lima, Carlos: Personal Faith. [REVIEW]J. King - 1967 - Augustinianum 7 (1):175-175.
  18. Relaciones biométricas y biomasa específica en el bivalvo Lima scabra tenera (Sowerby, 1843).J. Gómez, A. Prieto & C. Lodeiros - 1990 - Scientia 5 (2):13-17.
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    L'inchiesta e la prova: immagine storiografica practica giuridica e retorica nella Grecia classica. P Butti de Lima.Michael J. Edwards - 1998 - The Classical Review 48 (2):281-282.
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  20. Proceedings of the 4th World Conference on Research Integrity: Brazil, Rio de Janeiro. 31 May - 3 June 2015.Lex Bouter, Melissa S. Anderson, Ana Marusic, Sabine Kleinert, Susan Zimmerman, Paulo S. L. Beirão, Laura Beranzoli, Giuseppe Di Capua, Silvia Peppoloni, Maria Betânia de Freitas Marques, Adriana Sousa, Claudia Rech, Torunn Ellefsen, Adele Flakke Johannessen, Jacob Holen, Raymond Tait, Jillon Van der Wall, John Chibnall, James M. DuBois, Farida Lada, Jigisha Patel, Stephanie Harriman, Leila Posenato Garcia, Adriana Nascimento Sousa, Cláudia Maria Correia Borges Rech, Oliveira Patrocínio, Raphaela Dias Fernandes, Laressa Lima Amâncio, Anja Gillis, David Gallacher, David Malwitz, Tom Lavrijssen, Mariusz Lubomirski, Malini Dasgupta, Katie Speanburg, Elizabeth C. Moylan, Maria K. Kowalczuk, Nikolas Offenhauser, Markus Feufel, Niklas Keller, Volker Bähr, Diego Oliveira Guedes, Douglas Leonardo Gomes Filho, Vincent Larivière, Rodrigo Costas, Daniele Fanelli, Mark William Neff, Aline Carolina de Oliveira Machado Prata, Limbanazo Matandika, Sonia Maria Ramos de Vasconcelos & Karina de A. Rocha - 2016 - Research Integrity and Peer Review 1 (Suppl 1).
    Table of contentsI1 Proceedings of the 4th World Conference on Research IntegrityConcurrent Sessions:1. Countries' systems and policies to foster research integrityCS01.1 Second time around: Implementing and embedding a review of responsible conduct of research policy and practice in an Australian research-intensive universitySusan Patricia O'BrienCS01.2 Measures to promote research integrity in a university: the case of an Asian universityDanny Chan, Frederick Leung2. Examples of research integrity education programmes in different countriesCS02.1 Development of a state-run “cyber education program of research ethics” in (...)
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    Rosemary rizo-patron de Lerner. "El exilio Del sujeto. Mitos modernos Y posmodernos". Lima, editorial aula de humanidades/pontificia universidad católica Del perú, 2015, 506 pp. [REVIEW]Roberto J. Walton - 2021 - Investigaciones Fenomenológicas 12:321.
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    Sampling Methodologies for Epidemiologic Surveillance of Men Who Have Sex with Men and Transgender Women in Latin America: An Empiric Comparison of Convenience Sampling, Time Space Sampling, and Respondent Driven Sampling.J. L. Clark, K. A. Konda, A. Silva-Santisteban, J. Peinado, J. R. Lama, L. Kusunoki, A. Perez-Brumer, M. Pun, R. Cabello, J. L. Sebastian, L. Suarez-Ognio & J. Sanchez - unknown
    Alternatives to convenience sampling (CS) are needed for HIV/STI surveillance of most-at-risk populations in Latin America. We compared CS, time space sampling (TSS), and respondent driven sampling (RDS) for recruitment of men who have sex with men (MSM) and transgender women (TW) in Lima, Peru. During concurrent 60-day periods from June-August, 2011, we recruited MSM/TW for epidemiologic surveillance using CS, TSS, and RDS. A total of 748 participants were recruited through CS, 233 through TSS, and 127 through RDS. The (...)
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    Mechanical Wits Used in the America Colonization: Engineering Assessment.R. Dorado-Vicente, R. López-García, J. M. Quero-Nieves & G. Medina-Sánchez - 2024 - Foundations of Science 29 (1):41-58.
    The first European settlements in the new world faced technical issues with the help of the XVI century scientific advances. Besides briefly exposing the scientific and technological situation, this paper explores, with the help of reverse engineering, two singular mechanical wits representative of the technological advances introduced in America to overcome different problems. Firstly, a pump, based on an alternative movement system through crankshafts and pistons used against the continuous flooding suffered in the Ciudad de México valley. Although flooding remained (...)
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    Historical Atlas of Crystallography. J. Lima-de-Faria.Paul Henriksen - 1991 - Isis 82 (4):792-793.
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    SANTUC, S. J., Vicente: ¿Qué nos pasa? Etica y política hoy, Lima: CEDEP, 1997, 170 pp. [REVIEW]Ciro Alegría Varona - 1997 - Areté. Revista de Filosofía 9 (2):335-337.
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    The Metaphysics of Representation.J. Robert G. Williams - 2019 - Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    How do thought and language manage to be 'about' aspects of the world? J. Robert G. Williams investigates how representation arises out of a fundamentally non-representational world, showing the explanatory relations between the representational properties of language, of thought, and of perception and intention.
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  27. Aristotle's Definitions of Psuche.J. L. Ackrill - 1973 - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 73:119 - 133.
    J. L. Ackrill; VIII*—Aristotle's Definitions of Psuche, Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, Volume 73, Issue 1, 1 June 1973, Pages 119–134,
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    Conservation of Energy: Missing Features in Its Nature and Justification and Why They Matter.J. Brian Pitts - 2020 - Foundations of Science 26 (3):559-584.
    Misconceptions about energy conservation abound due to the gap between physics and secondary school chemistry. This paper surveys this difference and its relevance to the 1690s–2010s Leibnizian argument that mind-body interaction is impossible due to conservation laws. Justifications for energy conservation are partly empirical, such as Joule’s paddle wheel experiment, and partly theoretical, such as Lagrange’s statement in 1811 that energy is conserved if the potential energy does not depend on time. In 1918 Noether generalized results like Lagrange’s and proved (...)
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  29. Kant, La Religion dans les Limites de la simple Raison. Trad. J. Gibelin. 4e éd.J. Kopper - 1972 - Kant Studien 63 (1):135.
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  30. Stephen J. Field: Craftsman of the Law.Stephen J. Field & Carl Brent Swisher - 1970 - Ethics 81 (1):77-79.
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  31. Manuel d'archéologie hébraïque, de J. Benzinger.H. V. J. - 1894 - Revue de Théologie Et de Philosophie 27 (3):281.
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  32. Linguistic pragmatics and semiotics/Verschueren J.J. Verschueren - 1995 - Semiotica. Journal of the International Association for Semiotic Studies 104:33.
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  33. A. Zee, Fearful Symmetry: The Search for Beauty in Modern Physics (Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1999).J. W. McAllister - unknown
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    De conservatieve uitdaging: de scepsis van J.L. Heldring.J. L. Heldring (ed.) - 2003 - Rotterdam: NRC Handelsblad.
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  35. Kekes, J.(2002). The Art of Life.M. J. Hannush - 2005 - Journal of Phenomenological Psychology 36 (1).
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    Voyages d'un philosophe aux pays des libertés.Gaspard Koenig - 2018 - Paris: Éditions de l'Observatoire.
    "Et toutes ces belles idées sur la liberté, elles sont appliquées quelque part? - Ensemble, non. Mais par petits bouts, oui. Enfin, je crois. - Hé bien, tu n'as qu'à aller voir." C'est ainsi que je fus arraché à la torpeur de ma bibliothèque. Depuis lors, je voyage à travers le monde avec une ambition simple : étudier les thèmes de philosophie politique qui me sont chers là où ils sont mis en oeuvre. Faire apparaître derrière les concepts des histoires, (...)
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  37. Mario Pagano, Nicolas Boulanger et J. B. Vico.J. Chaix Ruy - 1948 - Giornale di Metafisica 3 (5/6):388.
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  38. Cole, J. 87 Collard, J. 54 Comito, T. 198 Condor, J. 205n2.E. Condry, J. Conrad, V. Crapanzano, M. Crick, J. Cripps, M. David, J. Davis, J. Derrida, N. B. Dirks & T. Docherty - 1997 - In Andrew Dawson, Jennifer Lorna Hockey & Andrew H. Dawson (eds.), After Writing Culture: Epistemology and Praxis in Contemporary Anthropology. Routledge.
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    Dr. J. D. Bierens de Haan en Spinoza.J. G. Van der Bend - 1968 - Leiden,: E.J. Brill.
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  40. Irrealia: F. Suárez’s Concept of Being in the Formulation of Intentionality from F. Brentano to J. Patočka and Beyond.Piotr J. Janik - 2021 - In Piotr J. Janik & Carla Canullo (eds.), Intentionnalité comme idée. Phenomenon, between efficacy and analogy. Kraków, Poland: Księgarnia Akademicka Publishing. pp. 31-45.
    The language of phenomenology includes terms such as intentionality, phenom- enon, insight, analysis, sense, not to mention the key term of Edmund Husserl’s manifesto, “the things themselves” to return to . But what does the “things them- selves” properly mean? How come the term is replaced by the “findings” over time? And what are the findings for? The investigation begins by looking at the tricky legacy of the modern turn, trying to clarify ties to past masters, including Francis- co Suárez (...)
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  41. On the Therapeutic Method, Books I and Ii.R. J. Hankinson (ed.) - 1991 - Oxford University Press UK.
    Clarendon Later Ancient Philosophers General Editors: Professor Jonathan Barnes, Balliol College, Oxford, and Professor A. A. Long, University of California, Berkeley This series, which is modelled on the familiar Clarendon Aristotle and Clarendon Plato Series, is designed to encourage philosophers and students of philosophy to explore the fertile terrain of later ancient philosophy. The texts will range in date from the first century BC to the fifth century AD, and they will cover all the parts and all the schools of (...)
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    La salud en los pueblos indígenas: atención primaria e interculturalidad.Consuelo de Jesús Alban Meneses, Víctor Manuel Sellan Icaza & Consuelo Lorena Moran Alban - 2020 - Minerva 1 (3):23-34.
    Las naciones y pueblos indígenas presentan preocupantes índices respecto a la salud, así como otras carencias como la pérdida de sus tierras, la alimentación, la educación y, en general, el ejercicio de sus derechos, consagrados por organizaciones internacionales como la ONU y la OMS-OPS. En Ecuador, de acuerdo con el orden jurídico constitucional, se han instrumentado políticas de salud que incluyen el lineamiento general de un enfoque intercultural de la atenciónprimaria que incorpora los saberes y prácticas ancestrales. Mediante una revisión (...)
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  43. Kerngedachten van J. H. Newman.A. J. Boekraad & F. Sassen - 1967 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 29 (3):644-644.
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  44. Glock, Hans Johann (2001). Wittgenstein and reason. In: Klagge, J. Wittgenstein: Biography and Philosophy. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 195-220.Hans Johann Glock & J. Klagge (eds.) - 2001
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  45. J. Roger Hindley, Basic Simple Type Theory.H. -J. Tiede - 1999 - Journal of Logic Language and Information 8:473-476.
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    Information Compression, Multiple Alignment, and the Representation and Processing of Knowledge in the Brain.J. Gerard Wolff - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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    A Tribute to Hans Morgenthau: [truth and tragedy]: with an intellectual autobiography by Hans J. Morgenthau.Hans J. Morgenthau & Kenneth W. Thompson (eds.) - 1977 - Washington: New Republic Book Co..
    With an intellectual autobiography by Hans J. Morgenthau.
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    Modernity, praxis and the work of art: Contemporary themes in Eastern European critical theory.J. F. Dorahy - 2020 - Thesis Eleven 159 (1):3-8.
    Throughout the world, Eastern European critical theory is enjoying a moderate, yet exciting, resurgence. From its oppositional roots in praxis philosophy and critical sociology, this diffuse and dynamic tradition has expanded its field of concern to encompass, among other problems, the aporias of democracy, the Holocaust and legacies of totalitarianism, the vicissitudes of modern culture and the ethical imperatives of living after the grand narrative. In the process, Eastern European thought has come to figure as a vital alternative to the (...)
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    Conventional Logic and Modern Logic.J. D. Bastable - 1953 - Philosophical Studies (Dublin) 3:141-141.
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    Descartes.J. D. Bastable - 1955 - Philosophical Studies (Dublin) 5:152-152.
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